HYPNOSIS for WEIGHT LOSS is the fastest growing market in Hypnosis Today. Those who specialize in and become certified as a Weight Loss Specialist can expect a constant source of clients as well as considerably higher income than others. Having a highly effective Weight Loss Program is vital.
Throughout the Years consumers have become more quality conscious than ever before and are now seeking out specialist for their concerns rather than general practitioners. If you’re presently a Hypnosis Practitioner you owe it to yourself to specialize in a niche that you feel comfortable with, enjoy and can help as many people as possible.
With your ASH Weight Loss Certification you’ll feel confident with your new abilities to begin advertising and practicing as a Specialist. If you’re interested in building your clients and your confidence as you breathe new life into your current practice then this course is to you.
YOU’LL RECEIVE – the most comprehensive Expert Weight Loss Programs available on the market today.
In addition to being the author of over 45 hypnosis related books and courses Rene has created and been practicing these highly effective programs for over 20 years.
Meet Rene A. Bastarache, CI – Author and facilitator of this program:
“Congratulations on your decision to become a Professional Weight Loss Specialist. This course will set you apart form the rest and show clients that you are the best person for the job to help them attain their goal of losing weight and being healthier. I wish you the very best of success in your new business focus.”
Eight Videos Covering the Topics Below:
Initial phone call Marketing secrets Finding new clients Getting referrals The weight loss pre-session The private session process Fast-track your practice Self-image issues Weight perceptions Hypnosis worksheet – use of New way of thinking Finding clients motivation |
New-Weekly Challenge Technique© Weight gain culprits Weekly client commitment Taking proper notes Adding suggestions to scripts How to add on more sessions Lower cost/high profit session alternative Client follow-up and reporting Weighing-in properly Case studies My favorite weight loss session – included 5 vs. 4 part session Perfect session success secret Session success test Affiliate office marketing Secret; but free advertising methods And so much more… |
The Complete Weight Loss Self-Help Program
Eight unique weight-loss guided meditation sessions in audio mp3 format. (see titles below) These can be used for self help, to share with your family and most importantly to see what a professional weight loss session should sound like. You’ll get tons of great ideas from listening to these.
-PLUS- A Bonus Audio by Raluca titled:
“Imagine the Goal You”
Additional Benefits for You?
PROFESSIONALISM – You won’t simply be another hypnotherapist in the neighborhood but a highly trained and certified “Specialist” with the credentials and a beautiful certificate to prove it.
INCREASE YOUR INCOME – Need more money right now? Use some of the tried and proven techniques shown in our marketing section to get more clients into your office. More clients = More Income!
GROW YOUR CLIENT BASE – You have the best ideas that I’ve personally used throughout the years to grow my client base so there’s no worry where tomorrows business is going to come from. “Grow as you go” is my motto… Hey that rhymed!
NO MORE FEAR! – Remember those days of worrying whether your program would work or not? Will the customer call you in a few days complaining? With our Habit Replacement Program you can say goodbye to Fear of Failure! You now have the very best of Weight Loss Programs and techniques available on the market today.
MARKET LIKE A PRO using OUR INSIDER SECRETS – Do you have an advertising budget? Let us show you several ways to jump start your business advertising for little to nothing. In fact we’ll even show you a way to have “others” advertise to entire cities for you and even get PAID by them as well.
“Triple Your Clients in 30 Days”
Let’s face it… no matter how great a Hypnotherapist you are and how spectacular your programs; if you don’t have clients to use them with then your just floating aimlessly in the water!
It’s important to realize that every Hypnosis Practitioner is primarily a Marketer! There’s that nasty word… This book will give you the added boost to get your practice going. Most of my favorite ideas are described here in detail.
Total Habit Replacement Program Audio
Listen to this 23 minute audio to learn how to be 100% successful in Hypnosis.
The last thing you every want to be as a Hypnosis Practitioner is SCARED! You need to portray confidence in what you’re doing which will be felt by your client as well.
Imagine going to see a heart surgeon that so nervous that he keeps doubting himself and fumbling his tools . What kind of confidence would that instill in you? If you’re like me you’d probably run for the hills!
This audio alone will be a game changer in your practice…
But WEIGHT! …It Gets Even Better – You Get all This:
- A Beautiful ASH Certificate of Completion that you’ll be proud to hang on your wall. (see picture below)
Our own copyrighted; “Personal Weight Loss Weekly Challenge Technique” that’s tailored to each subject and skyrockets their success…
- Online Weight Loss Training Videos.
- Our exclusive: “The Complete Weight Loss Script Manual”. (A $50 value)
- One full year of unlimited course materials access.
- NINE Complete Weight Loss Session MP3 audio Session by Raluca Bastarache, CI. (A 140.00 value)
- Complete Outline, scripts and EVERYTHING you’d need to conduct profitable Group Weight Loss Sessions.
- Audio training showing you how to get Habit Creation Success!
- Marketing training to get your new business up and running quickly.
- A download copy of: Triple Your Clients in 30 Days, for that added boost.
Certificate of Completion:
Upon successfully completing and submitting the Course Open Book Exam you’ll be mailed this beautiful “Certificate of Completion” to proudly hang in your office for all to see.
We process certificates on the first week of each month and mail them directly to your home or place of business.
So, what are you waiting for?
Only $249
Note: This course is designed to teach you specialized training focused on weight loss knowledge and is designed for practitioners who have already completed a course or have basic understanding of conducting hypnosis sessions.
Disclaimer: Neither the American School of Hypnosis nor the Author makes any claim of how much income you can make or your success with this or any of our courses. We realize that any degree of success cannot be generically measured. It requires your personal effort, expertise and dedication. Everyone is different so everyone results will be different as well. We will not be held liable in any way, shape or form for the success or lack of resulting from our courses or training. They are simply the opinions of our author(s) according to their past experiences and research. Due to the nature of the copyrighted course information sent which are all sent electronically through online services once they are received they are considered as opened/used therefore all sales are considered final and non-refundable.