Wealth & Abundance
20 Powerful Hypnosis Scripts
We’re very excited to bring you this New Script Manual from the Faculty and Graduates of The American International Association of Hypnosis.
Having an abundance mindset, rather than a scarcity mindset is an important aspect in your life… Changing what you believe to be true often becomes your reality.
Positive suggestions stored in your subconscious mind in relation to prosperity leads to more happiness and less focus on fear and negativity.
If you’d like to have a wealth and prosperity mindset then these scripts are for you.
Read the one that pertains to you (or with your clients) and watch your life change. Read them with EMOTIONS to make them even stronger… and of course be sure to use your imagination!
We’ve approached the topics of Wealth and Abundance from all angles so you can do a well rounded program with your client and have plenty of new materials for them to return for multiple sessions. There may be areas they’re already strong in so you can pick and choose the ones that they need improvement with.
Abundance – Planting the Seed
Attracting Abundance
Attracting Wealth Affirmations
A Wealth Mindset
Create Wealth
Debt Managing
Fear of Failure
Fear of Success
Financial Abundance
Financial Prosperity
Millionaire Mentality
Money Magnet
Sanctuary of Abundance
Success Motivation
Wealth and Prosperity
Positive Mental Attitude
The Prosperous You
Thinking Big
Winning Attitude
* Some of the titles may be subject to change as we’re in the finishing touches
In fact we’re so impressed with this manual that we’re making them ROYALTY FREE! Not only will you have these creative topics to use with your clients but you’ll also be able to create your own recorded sessions to sell in your online stores or web-pages.
What does Royalty Free mean? You can use these scripts as if they were your own for recording, selling your own audios and even copying them in print. About the only thing you can’t do is resell the manual or scripts in print as they are copy-written.
If you’ve looked around I’m sure you’ve seen that it’s hard to find a Royalty Free hypnosis script anywhere online for under $10 each if you can even find them at all. So now you can see why this is such a spectacular offer.
Our Royalty Free Price
Only $59.00

“Even if this manual were not Royalty Free This would still be an amazing offer!”.
DELIVERY FORMAT: This is an online computer downloadable script manual. Upon purchase you’ll be forwarded to a delivery page where your manual link will magically appear. If you have any questions please contact us at admin@choosehypnosis.com. Thank you.
Since this is a downloadable manual there are no refunds as you’ll already have all the materials in your possession. Thank you for your order…