Accessing Unlimited Possibilities
A Guided Hypnosis Session
Create the Life Choices YOU Want!
We have So Many Choices available to us for every decision we make and with this session you can now choose the ones that make you happy to work towards and receive.
As a BONUS I’m also including the written “Accessing Unlimited Possibilities” script so if you’re a practitioner, you can use it with your clients as well.
This Self-Help Session includes one Hypnosis MP3 as seen below. It’s downloadable and can pop-out to save on your desktop.
Here’s How to Use the Session:
- This guided session is designed to help you to attain your goals. Listen to it at least daily to keep you focused on track, to keep it fresh in your
mind and to keep up your excitement about your goal.
- Be sure to use the session for the same goal each day until you attain it because if you decide to change the goals while you’re listening to your session, you’ll have to restart this process from the very beginning again.
- Repetition creates a permanent habit or blueprint in your mind that will help to reprogram you by replacing older or opposing information.
The most important things to do while listening to the session are to relax, keep an open mind, and most importantly, use your imagination.
Best of success…
Get Your Guided Session and BONUS Script Now!
for Only $24.95
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