Secret Key #2: Everything You’ve Ever Been Taught Is Propaganda
Every viewpoint you’ve been taught since the day you were born has been taught according to the ulterior motive, understanding or individual perception of the person teaching it and thereby considered propaganda. An example would be someone teaching you about American history in school that’s from America compared to someone teaching you the same course that’s from Russia. Both teachers would have a different slant on American history because of their understanding, possible biases and experiences.
Propaganda as defined in Wikipedia: is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself or one’s group. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience.
Propaganda is often biased, with facts selectively presented (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented.
The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political, or other type of agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare.
Bias, a highly researched area by psychologists, and our emotions, considerably enhance our susceptibility. Fear, for example, either present or created by the propaganda, can be extremely important to our level of susceptibility.
Another important characteristic is that the processes of developing and maintaining false belief(s) presented by a system of propaganda are generally unconscious, at least in part. The less we understand about our susceptibility, the easier it may be to manipulate us.
While the term propaganda has acquired a strongly negative connotation by association with its most manipulative examples, propaganda in its original sense was neutral, and could refer to uses that were generally benign or innocuous, such as public recommendations, signs encouraging citizens to participate in a census or election, or messages encouraging people to report crimes to the police, among others.
Your viewpoints or understandings of subjects that you learned from your parents, family, environment, teachers, schools, the military, your government, politicians, and even religious leaders were taught to you according to the belief system, understanding and biases of those who taught them.
If everyone has his or her own different slant or agenda in teaching specific subject how can you know whether the understanding you have of it is the true understanding? Is there even a true understanding of any topic? Is it possible to have all the facts and understanding of any one topic if everything was taught according to the reality or understanding of the person teaching it? If several people were to watch the same documentary on television, each would describe what they viewed in a different manner according to what was most interesting or important to them.
Understanding that everything that has been taught to you has been taught using this propaganda type of slant, it is easy to understand how in virtually any topic there is no 100% truth. It would be similar to looking at a glass filled to the half way mark with water and having one person say it was half full of water and the other saying it was half empty. Each would be so caught up in their opinion of half-full or half-empty that an argument may even ensue. This is a common occurrence with people of every walk of life all the way up to the political leaders of different countries as they observe the same facts on a topic but understand it quite differently.
Throughout your life as you had been taught these different topics or propaganda versions of topics, through repetition these understandings eventually became your belief. Your belief eventually turned into your habits and your morals.
So many of the morals, beliefs and understandings you have today that you think are 100% truth, may have flaws in them. Through propaganda and repetition these items eventually become hardwired into your subconscious as habits. It’s a form of conditioning that is constantly occurring in society.
Our government as well as our schools and religions may want us to see things a certain way. When you went to school you were taught subjects according to the slant of the person teaching them. So you feel that your country, favorite sports team, ideals, and religion are the only true ones. You may feel that they are completely right and everyone else’s is wrong. However someone brought up in a different country, and set of rules on the other side of the earth who has completely different beliefs, religion, morals and lifestyle will also believe that theirs is the only truth and they are willing to die for their beliefs just as you may be.
So which one is right and which one is wrong? The answer to that is they both are right and they both are wrong. They both are right to the person believing them because that is their personal reality and they both are wrong to the other person who does not believe in them because that is not their understanding of reality.
This article is from Secret Key #2 in our Law of Attraction Home Study Course “Wake Up And See Who You Are.”