“If You’re Looking to Manifest Abundance and Wealth Fast; Here’s The Best 30 Day Meditation Program For It.”
Designed to be played In the background – While you’re going about your daily tasks.
You can use it as a Guided Relaxation Program – Sit, listen and relax
Listen to it before Bed – To help you to unwind and carry the thoughts into sleep
Use It As A Sleep Program – Click play and let it lull you to sleep and condition you while sleeping. (A very suggestive time)
Relaxation is NOT Required & Listening is NOT Required
Simply being within earshot of it will be effective. You can be working, eating, sleeping, doing homework walking, running or cooking.
First it’s important to understand that You Are A Blended Being.
This means that you have one foot in both the Physical and the Spiritual world. This session is designed to work on the spiritual part of your being. (also known as the subconscious mind or the fourth dimension)
NOTE: An important feature of the subconscious mind is that it always hears and always pays attention. It’s unlimited in the amount of task that it can do simultaneously.
Right now, as you’re reading this page, your subconscious mind is:
- thinking of other things
- ensuring that you keep breathing
- that your heart is beating,
- that your hair and nails are growing
- that you’re sitting upright
- and hundreds of other tasks that you’re not aware of consciously.
This shows how the subconscious mind is able to act independently regardless of what your conscious mind is doing.
of Mental Conditioning
That’s where the analytical approach comes in. Whether you’re listening to the words in this program or not doesn’t matter.
Your subconscious mind is hearing the suggestions regardless of what you’re doing.
It’s similar to having the television playing while you’re eating dinner and having conversations with your family. Even though you’re speaking to them, the suggestions from the television commercials are still affecting you subconsciously.
Therefore, whether your mind is being kept busy doing something else or your listening to the suggestions directly, they’ll be just as effective.
This is a 30 Day Program. Whether you decide to watch the video, listen to the audio, read the printed suggestions or a combination of all three; it’s important that you do it every day, without fail, in order to create the new behavior or habit within your subconscious mind.
Here’s What You Get
1. The Online Conditioning Video (Running Time: 53:27)
This can be played on your computer, television or cell phone any time throughout the day. Play it as often as you like but only once will suffice.
You’ll find that there’s a pause of approximately 7 to 10 seconds between each suggestion. The reason for this is to allow your subconscious mind a few seconds to imagine what’s being said in the suggestion before moving onto the next one. This brings your mind to the frequency of the change being made and begins the attraction process..
2. The Audio MP3 (Running Time: 53:27)
This is the same as the video above and can be played on any Internet capable device or downloaded to your MP3 player for when you’re on the go or even going to bed.
3. The Affirmations (16 of our best affirmations enlarged to print and cut)
These are included so you can print them out in large print on your computer and post them in strategic areas throughout your home (or office) such as on your desk or above your computer monitor, your bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, above your television or even on the nightstand beside your bed. (Just Print them and cut them out)
As you’re going about your business throughout the day and walked by one of these affirmations; you’d simply read it to yourself and allow your mind to imagine what the suggestion is saying. this can be done as often throughout the day as you like with a minimum of at least four times.
Imagination is the key to subconscious programming. Consider imagination as your sixth sense and the catalysts of creating change through your spiritual side.
4. The Printed Suggestions of the Audio and Video.(85 Affirmation/Suggestions in “you are” format.)
If you’re not able to watch or listen to the program, you’ll have another option wishes to read the suggestions to yourself which is also very hypnotic as long as you take the time to imagine one for a few moments. (Reading is very hypnotic)
You can also use them as suggestions would your clients if you’re a practitioner and would like to include them in a hypnosis session.
When wanting to create any form of change, especially one such as manifesting a positive habit of wealth; you’ll find that:
- At first the new behavior or desire will seem uncomfortable and doubtful.
- Then it will start to get comfortable and even possible.
- Then you’ll begin to like it and feel hopeful.
- Then it becomes an automated habit and expected.
- Then it becomes a new belief and is manifested.
“The main purpose of the subconscious mind is to bring your reality into alignment with your focus.”
So What are you Waiting For?
Only $29.00
Early Bird Special Ends in 3 Days! – November 5th, 2022
.** Upon purchase you’ll be forwarded to a delivery page to your program. If you haven’t received it within 30 minutes, please email us at admin@choosehypnosis.com so we can email it to you manually..