Could Hypnosis be Witchcraft or Against your Religion?
A couple days ago my barber and I were talking about hypnosis and she hesitantly mentioned that she thought it was like witchcraft and it would possibly be against her religion to do that kind of thing. I thought this would be a great opportunity to make a video on this topic.
Please share it with your friends so we can clear up this archaic misconception…
I’d love to hear your opinion…
“If you have questions about hypnosis that we can answer in a video for you please let us know…”
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Tags: american school of hypnosis, choosehypnosis, free book, free hypnosis manual, free hypnosis training,, hypnosis misconceptions, hypnosis school, hypnosis training, hypnosis witchcraft, hypnotherapy education, learn hypnosis, misconceptions, Rene Bastarache,