HYPNOSIS Will Make You BURN in Hell!
Hypnosis and Religion is always a HOT topic! This video explains one of the many misconceptions we run into an a regular basis with clients and shows you how to overcome it. I’ve had many practitioners tell me they were going to set up office in a “Bible Belt” area and they were worried about being able to do well in hypnosis there especial if they were going to specialize in some sort of metaphysics topic such as Past Life Regression. There’s something in here is sure to help you. Not to worry, no ones going to burn…
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IT’S ALL IN THE TITLE – A Tip on How to Write Strong Copy That Sells!
It’s amazing how when this video was posted on YouTube I received more comments, emails and views in one night than most of my other video in months. The key was the title. Normally I would have titled it something like, ” Hypnosis Misconceptions – Is this against my religion?” but by creating a controversial title it soared in views.
Keep this in mind when you’re creating your next title for an article, video or book; controversy sells. It gives people something to take a stand on or form an opinion rather than simply viewing your product and moving on. Many times due to this strong opinion they’ll share the video, comment on it and possibly even lash out at you. Don’t worry though because they’ll forget all about it in a few days and still be following you.
Happy writing.