“All of Rene’s Best Works Compiled in One place!”
Over 160 Individual Hypnosis Scripts and also Script Programs that I’ve personally written throughout the years.
In addition to hypnosis scripts it also includes some of my:
- Hypnosis Deepeners,
- Inductions,
- Awakenings
- and The Depth Testing Process that I use to bring clients to the deeper levels of hypnosis required for Pain Management, Hypno-Birthing and Anesthesia.
This collection was compiled from many of our past hypnosis script manuals, hypnosis training manuals, some of our courses and other programs developed throughout the years. Now you can conveniently have them ALL IN ONE PLACE!
As you review the table of contents you’ll notice asterisk marks beside several titles. These denote my personal favorite masterpieces as well as some of the most effective programs you’ll find on the market today for Changing Habits, Smoking Cessation, Pain Reduction and Personal Change.
** If you’ve never had a chance to see my Programming Script on Memory Retention… This Script Alone is worth the price of the manual. This is the actual script that I used during an Advanced Hypnosis Webinar we conducted a while back where we hypnotize the Entire Group Online with this session. During the session we helped the participants to program their own minds to remember 30 different items that we had chosen at random. After delivering the 20 minute session they were then successfully tested to remember each of the items in their proper order.
Needless to say they were completely shocked at how quickly they were able to remember so many things in chronological order. This program is an amazing helpmate for students during testing. I have personally used it with a high school student preparing for FINAL EXAMS where she MEMORIZED OVER 200 DEFINITIONS pertaining to Government. All Upon conclusion of the program she was able to recite them back to me in chronological order, then in reverse and even in random order by number. This is truly an amazing session!
What’s in the Book?
Inductions Eye Strain Method The Beach – Depth Testing Depth Testing Script – Deepeners Feather Deepener Clouds Across the Sky Floating to Relaxation Indirect Deepener Relaxing by the Stream Spelling Number Countdown – Awakenings Awakening I Awakening II Awakening III Awakening IV – Scripts Abundance Accelerated Studying Anorexia Anger / Temper Anorexia Anti-Aging Anxiety Control Appointments on Time Arthritis Reduction Assertiveness Atkins or Similar Type Low Carb Attracting Money Awakening Feelings Bed Wetting Believe in Yourself Blushing Body Image Breast Enlargement Burping Cancer, Eliminating Charisma Concentration Confidence II Confidence for Therapists Confidence in Meetings Constipation Control Issues Create Wealth Creating a Safe Space Creativity I Creativity II Darts Dealing with Divorce Decision Making De-Clutter your Life Deep Relaxation Dental Distress Developing Peace in Life Dream Recall Drug Abuse Dyslexia Easing Someone from Your Mind Energy Exam Anxiety Exchange of Energy Excuses, no more Face Lift Fear of Bees and Wasps Fear of Cats Fear of Commitment Fear of Confrontation Fear of Criticism Fear of Dentist / Doctors Fear of Failure Fear of Heights Fear of Others Vomiting Fear of Rejection Fear of Spiders Fear of Success Feminization Finding Lost Objects Fitness Gambling Addiction Golf Improvement Grinding Teeth Guitar Habit Replacement Program Scripts * Instructions The Mighty Oak Tree NLP – recoding Forgiveness / Guilt Release Confirmation & Congratulations Session Follow-up Session Happiness Healing – Visualization and restoration Healing Faster Hemorrhoids |
Honesty, Cultivating How to Stay Positive in a Negative World * Humor Infertility Inner Strength Insecurity Insomnia I – (Sleeping to success) Insomnia II Internet Addiction Interview Success Jealousy Language learning Life of the Party Magical Library of Change * Martial Arts Masculinity Memory Recall Memory Retention – Programming * Mental Programming Script Metabolism Money Magnet Motivation Improve Nail Biting I Noise Sensitivity Obsessive Behavior Panic Attacks Peak Performance Perfect Body Picking of Skin Popularity Positive Feelings Pre-Game Nerves Problem Solving Psoriasis Psychic Ability Reaching Your Goals Reinvent Yourself Responsibility Sales Motivation Sales Success Self – Esteem I Self-Hate Self-Hypnosis I Self-Hypnosis Script II Self-Sabotage I Sexual Performance Woman – Release Shopping Addiction Smoking Cessation – One session method Smoking Withdrawal Program* List of 9 scripts Initial Session Smoking 35 cigarettes a day Smoking 30 cigarettes a day Smoking 25 cigarettes a day Smoking 20 cigarettes a day Smoking 15 cigarettes a day Smoking 10 cigarettes a day Smoking 5 cigarettes a day Smoking Quitting day Spending Spontaneousness Sports Enhancement – Reach for the Gold! Sports Improvement Stress Reduction I Stress Reduction II Study Habits Studying, Accelerated Success, Affirmations Success Blueprint Success Motivation Sugar Addiction Temper, Overcoming Test Taking Thin Thighs Thin, Think Wash the Pain Away (instructions) * Wash the Pain Away (script) Wealth & Prosperity Weight Loss I Work Giving 100% Worrying Writing Skills – Metaphysics (* See newest titles below) Buddha Nature Chakra Alignment Contacting Spirits Creating a Spirit Room ESP Development I Future Life Progression * Life between Lives * Meeting Your Spirit Guide I Meeting Spirit Guides * Meeting Your Spirit “Animal” Guide * Past Life Regression Out of Body Experience * Parallel Worlds * Past Life Regression with Transitions * Present Life Progression Wisdom from Your Intuition |
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