A Certification Course
HYPNOSIS is highly effective for the treatment of many children’s’ issues. The advantage is that children are much more suggestible and imaginative than adults so treating them can easily be done by the hypnosis practitioner or a loving parent in one or more of the multiple methods included in this course.
This online course can help practitioners to assist parents in improving the lives of their children starting at a very young age. Imagine being able to give children “advantages” to grow into a happy and well-adjusted adult life.
NOTE TO PRACTITIONERS: In addition to benefiting children; these techniques can be highly successful if used with many of your adult clients who may also have difficulty understanding or following traditional hypnosis methods.
In These Online Videos You’ll Learn:
The most effective ways to condition children at various ages.
- Differences between left and right brained learners.
- The Pygmalion Effect a.k.a. The Rosenthal Effect for long term conditioning by parents.
- Understanding child brainwaves for suggestion delivery.
- Additional Helpmates in raising or conditioning positive children.
- Interesting case studies to expand your understand of child hypnosis.
- Dealing with various issues such as ADHD, anxiety, abuse and self esteem.
- How to Build Rapport with your young-client.
- The ins, outs and safety concerns of Child Regression.
“Children must be taught how to think; not what to think.”
Margaret Mead
You’ll Also Learn 8 Methods of Conditioning Children – Online Videos

I’m Rene’s Hypno-Puppet
Now you have choices of treatment for children of all ages as we describe how to use:
- Ericksonian Hypnosis – One of the most successful methods available for children
- Traditional Hypnosis – Great for teens and older
- Guided Imagery Options
- Reading methods of self-hypnosis
- Writing Techniques even for those too young to spell or form words
- Sleep Hypnosis
- Affirmations – How to supercharge them to Child Incantations
- Puppets & Toys – Delivering strong suggestions covertly using imagination with toys or puppets as the one pictured above. “His name’s Bob.” You’ll see him in the course by the way…
Hypnotizing Children Script Manual (for Practitioners – in pdf format)
Featuring 16 of the top “original” Child Hypnosis Scripts written by Rene Bastarache, CI
- Anxiety Replacement
- Bedwetting-B-Gone
- Confidence in School
- Creating Happy Dreams
- Dealing with Bullies
- Exam Anxiety
- Excelling at Sports
- Fear of the Dark
- First Day of School Jitters
- Making Friends
- Self-Image
- Stop Biting Your Nails
- Teeth Grinding
- Time to Calm Down
- Vanishing Warts
+ How to Create Scripts for Children
Complete Recorded mp3 Sessions By Raluca
These are Three Complete Hypnosis Sessions for children narrated by Raluca Bastarache, CI, director of the American School of Hypnosis. Raluca has a calming voice that all children love and most adults too.
Session #1: Dealing with Bullies
Session #2: First Day of School Jitters
Session #3: Time to Calm Down
These can be used to have your children listen to directly or as a learning tool to show you the different nuances in conducting a session for children. Listening to just one of these child sessions by “the Master” can mean the difference between success or failure in your child practice.
Here’s a Free Child Hypnosis Session
as a sample of the others inside…
Credits: “Relaxing Piano Music” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/..
Certificate of Completion
Upon completion of the course you can take our online, open-book test to get our beautiful Certificate of Completion in Child Hypnosis to proudly hang on your wall.
This is a professionally done certificate with a real signature and actual embossed seal; not one of those generic print your own certificates. We feel it’s important to have something that you can be proud of.
BONUS #1 – How to Partner with Medical & Mental Health Practitioners
We Love to OVER DELIVER! In addition to this Spectacular Package we’d like to also give you this Bonus!
Our “How to Partner” package.
It includes everything you’ll need to contact and recruit doctors, psychologist, psychiatrist and other mental health professionals that could use your services of hypnosis with children so you can work on their clients with their written permission and referral..
This way even if you’re NOT qualified to conduct “clinical” hypnosis on children; by working in partnership with a medical or mental health professional you can help them and work under their umbrella of protection. This package includes what you’d need to contact these professionals, advertise your services so you can display what you offer and include the necessary paperwork to get it all started.
- Complete Video Instructions
- Sample Letter of Introduction to send to professionals
- Waivers & referral forms – about, how to get and options
- Permission slips from parents form
- Information about parents being present or not
- Liability forms and issues
BONUS #2 – Our Parenting 101 Course
As a BONUS you’ll also receive a copy of our: Hypnotic Parenting 101 Video Webinar Course.
This online video is Jam-Packed with information on what you can do in the home to help condition your child for success.
- You have a Great Product with:
- Everything Needed to Help Children …
- An Additional Free Parenting Course
- With Our BEST Offer EVER!
ONLY $199

REFUNDS: Due to the nature of this program being a recorded downloadable product it is not something you can pack up and return. Once we have sent it to you it is considered opened and used. Therefore we do not offer refunds on this course. We are only interested in having serious people participate so if you’re not sure then please do not register.