Making Money With Hypnosis
“Learn additional ways to make a BIG income with what you already Know!”
Would you Like to Add More Income to your Hypnosis Practice?
If you have a hypnosis office and are only conducting sessions then you’re missing many opportunities to help more people and greatly enhance your income.
The Purpose of this course is to show you some of the ways you can make money as a holistic practitioner that you may not have thought of.
- We’ll start with the SERVICES & PRODUCTS you have to market – then
- How to market them to make $$$
“This webinar will teach you multiple ways to add more income to your hypnosis practice.”
Here’s what You’ll Get:
You’ll learn EVERYTHING about Making Money with FOUR detailed videos covering making money with:
Hypnosis Individual Sessions
- Group Sessions
- MP3s
- Writing Hypnosis Books
- Marketing
- Advertising and lots more…
VIDEO #1 Includes:
- Live individual sessions in an office
- What to charge for a session
- Mentality of being the highest priced – $20 more than others
- Group sessions
- Recording your client sessions
- Having others advertise for you
- Consignment sessions in your office
- No office? Here’s how to do it anyway
- Telephone hypnosis sessions
- How to get payment in advanced for online sessions
- Live Group Sessions
- Outside- Sponsored (businesses)
VIDEO #2 Includes:
- Self-sponsored
- Finding a location
- Advertising
Have a way to take payments online or to get registrations
- Back of room sales
- Weekly Groups in Hotels
- Radio Group sessions
- Payment button on the webpage
- Password protect it
- The one day discount CODE
- Passive income
- E-Books
- MP3s
- Marketing
VIDEO #3 Includes:
- Are you prepared for business?
- The Promo Pack
- Networking with local businesses
- Groupon
- Amazon Local
- Partnership marketing
- Consignment marketing
- Bulletin boards
VIDEO #4 Includes:
- Newspapers – being consistent
- Block ads
- Branding – our bill-board experience
- Trial and Error
- Targeting your customers:
- Email collection
- Autoresponders
- Radio
- Adult Education
- Q & A Time:
Here’s an Added BONUS to the Course:
You’ll receive a copy of our money making book titles “How to Make $100,000.00 a year as a Hypnosis Practitioner” It also shows 5 separate ways of doing it.
This is the most complete business success program we’ve ever offered. It’s the result of our over 20 years experience as hypnosis practitioners and instructors. Learn how expanded our hypnosis business throughout the years to include multiple sources of income.
Ready to Get Started?
Making Money With Hypnosis
Only $149
Earnings and Business Disclaimer: Any mention of possible earnings or amount of earnings on this site is strictly my opinion based on my own experience. We do not and cannot project or suggest either directly or indirectly that you will become rich or wealthy from using the information, courses or links on our site. All information and content on our sites, podcasts, videos or courses are there for your edification and assistance as a guide or helpmate if should you require them. They do not guarantee or state that you will be successful as a result of using them. We cannot guarantee any income as we do not know you and everyone’s abilities and effort are different.
We do not believe in nor do we endorse Get Rich Quick Schemes. Your earning potential is entirely dependent on your own efforts. Nothing is guaranteed by following the information shown on this site. We realize that your level of success is dependent on many factors such as time spent working on it, your knowledge level, your personal resources, effort, attitude, persistence, and yes even lots of luck at times.
Refunds: We do not offer course refunds for any reason for this downloadable product. Since it is downloadable, once you have have it, it’s in your possession and cannot be returned unused such as a book in print or CDs. All of our videos are in working order and are checked frequently.