Welcome to our Monthly Payment Option
♦ Train at Your Own Pace From Home.
♦ Earn a Great Income in Just a Few Weeks.
♦ Pay Off Your Tuition in Only 2 – 3 Session.
There’s never been a better time to become a Certified Hypnotherapist.
Hypnosis is needed more now than ever before. With the current state of affairs in the world today, stress and panic are out of control. Stress is a major contributing factor in more than 95% of all sickness, disease and disorders. The more that hardships continue to grow, the more our talents as Hypnotherapists will be in demand.
“The more that hardships continue to grow, the more our talents as Hypnotherapists will be in demand.”
We Offer the Most Comprehensive Course Available Today!
This course offers the Complete Basic & Advanced Hypnosis Certification Training. Everything you need to conduct a professional hypnotherapy session with a client is included. You’ll have the knowledge and tools to start your own business as a Hypnosis Practitioner conducting individual sessions and group session upon conclusion of the course.
We’ve enhanced our course and added everything required to be able to conduct Hypnosis Sessions Online!
It’s Safer – More Effective & Convenient
… for you and your client. Now you have a choice! you can either do live sessions from your own office or you can practice from your home, over the computer, conducting online sessions to your clients from the comfort and safety of their own homes.
Hypnotizing people from their homes is just as effective and in many cases even more effective than an office session.
People are more afraid today to leave their homes to attend live, in-person sessions. That’s why doing “virtual sessions” (online) is so very important.
Problems or Opportunities
Practitioners that fail to utilize Online Hypnosis are sure to be left behind. Those that progress and keep up with technology will have the ability to survive and even thrive in this current state of affairs.
We all have the opportunity to see challenges as problems and give-up or to see them as an opportunities and grow.
What’s hypnosis Imagination & hypnosis The hidden traits of the mind Sub-conscious activities The truth vs. myths about hypnosis Why memories are not absolute Why hypnosis is not admissible in court History of hypnosis The purpose of suggestibility Analytical vs. non-analytical clients Various suggestibility tests Classification of clients Charting the suggestibility of clients Building a hypnosis session Organizing the session What are inductions Non-analytical inductions and techniques Analytical inductions and techniques What are deepeners How do analytical vehicles work Sample analytical vehicles Hypnosis prescriptions How to write your own scripts Awakenings The hypnogogic state Getting stuck in hypnosis Depth levels The 5 Part Hypnosis Process The BBSS Scale Instant pain release methods Waking hypnosis Brainwave frequencies Attaining hypnotic depths levels Building a complete session Pediatric Hypnosis Why Hypnosis ALWAYS works The meet and greet process Intake worksheet Group hypnosis presentation & format Marketing and advertising hypnosis Metaphysics Common hypnotic misconceptions Post session report form Collecting fees and re-scheduling Session proficiency exercises Dangers of hypnosis Office environment _________________. Online business practices Webpage success techniques Elevator speech Be in the 10% of practitioners E-mail-auto responders Online payment portals Online helpmates Social media success Free online advertising Making YouTube work for you |
How much should I charge? Case Studies Forensics Hypnosis Past Life Regression live session and reactions Instant and rapid introductions Stress reduction 101 Opening the immune system at will Healing with hypnosis The subconscious mind pertaining to healing Negative statements and their effect Positive replacements Effects of Sarcasm on the inner mind Pain management Healing techniques The Bridge technique Dealing with phobias Stimuli replacement program Regression calendar technique Other regression techniques Thought stopping Color imagery True vs. pseudo regression Regression detective techniques Wording in regression Automatic writing Additional creative hypnosis methods All hypnosis is self-hypnosis Creating your own recorded sessions Six-step self hypnosis process Ericksonian hypnosis Confusion techniques Bypassing critical mass Online and Phone Hypnosis Panic Attacks Emergency Hypnosis Placebos and nocebos’ Reading is hypnotic Writing is magical Programming your child’s mind Daydreaming – Alpha/Theta Bridge Subliminal Programming Sleep hypnosis for children Covert hypnosis Pacing and leading Meditation and hypnosis Smoking and vaping cessation Helpful hints _________________. Online marketing success Getting more clients Online individual sessions Online group session Creating an online store Creating passive income online Free placement on top search engines Dropped calls & service interruptions Safety issues online Online hypnosis equipment |
Hypnosis Training Diploma and Certification: Upon successful completion of your course you’ll receive these two prestigious certificates to proudly hang on your wall. We are renown and accepted internationally and have practicing graduates in virtually every country worldwide.
In addition to the most advanced hypnosis certification training available today:
We pioneered the “30 Day Habit Replacement Program”. With it you’ll never miss a client. You can hypnotize anyone who can understand your language. (it’s scientific)
Our “Five-Part Hypnosis Session Process” With this formula you can hypnotize your client for virtually any topic imaginable. Just plug-in or create a personalized script for the topic you desire and your entire process is complete. All you have to do is read or record the session.
Time – The first advantage is that you can study at your own pace. Work on it full time, weekends or whenever you can. You have a full year to complete it.
Tuition – The most popular advantage is the money you’ll save due to the low tuition. In fact this Home Study Course includes all the same materials and benefits as our Live Course.
You’ll even receive a Full Year Complimentary Certification Membership with the American International Association of Hypnosis upon graduation.
Convenience – The third benefit of the Home Study Course is the convenience which will also save you on travel expenses. By being able to complete this course in your own home you will be saving large amounts of money on not having to travel to an out-of-state training location. This means savings to you in the way of airline fees, hotel expenses, meals, car rentals or other forms of transportation. You also have one full year to complete the course.
“These savings alone are enough to pay for your entire Home Study Course Tuition.”
As a graduate of the American School of Hypnosis Certification Course you’ll be offered a full-year complementary membership with the AIA or you can choose the full, $25 a month paid membership.
The free membership is great to get started but serious professionals unlock exclusive coaching, brand-new specialty certification courses and many additional resources to grow their hypnosis career!
To learn more about THE AIA Benefits CLICK HERE You’ll be glad you did!
As mentioned earlier; only 2 – 3 sessions will pay off your entire tuition and you can have that done before lunch on your first day of work. Even if you only schedule yourself to work 4 days a week; you can easily do 3 – 5 sessions a day but it will take active marketing, networking and a strong work ethic.
I often tell my students that being a success in this business is first being a marketer and second a hypnotist. That rule goes the same for “any” successful entrepreneur.
It’s funny how when you start to tell people that you’re taking a hypnosis course that people seem to “come out of the woodwork” with interest asking you all about it. Many of these people can be your first clients so be sure to write them down and treat them with kindness.
Get Started Now!

Only $50 a month (We accept PayPal or any major Credit Card through this portal) |
.Format: Webpage access including online videos, pdf manual and forms.
- Upon successful payment you will immediately be directed to our Thank You Page where you can begin your course. If you have not been forwarded for any reason, please notify us at admin@choosehypnosis.com.
- Each month you’ll receive an email directing you to an additional lesson..
- You’ll be given one entire year to complete your course from your date of purchase.
Disclaimers & Legal Notices: This is an online course designed to be viewed through your computer. If you’re able to view YouTube videos on your computer, you’ll be able to view the course videos. This is a copywritten course. All of the materials within are designed to be viewed and listened to from your computer. They are not allowed to be copied, printed, recorded, saved or transferred to other locations or programs. Any books are available online in printed form at our online store if desired. Due to the nature of this course being totally downloadable, once you have purchased it there are no refunds. From time to time various states or countries may change their policies pertaining to hypnosis. It is your responsibility to check on your state or countries regulations or restrictions before registering. Any mention of possible income that can be made in any of the marketing materials is not guaranteed. We cannot guarantee if you will make an income or how much as each person is different and it is a result of your efforts, marketing knowledge, how much you apply yourself to our marketing materials and the area you work in. Such variables cannot be gauged so income potential is entirely your responsibility and we will not be held liable. Thank you.