The 5 Word Hypnosis Method – Also known as the Acting Method
This is a great way to hypnotize your friends, family and especially yourself for virtually “anything” in a fraction of the time of traditional hypnosis. Take a look and be sure to share with with your friends..
This is one of my favorite methods of mental conditioning
“If you act a certain way you’ll eventually become that way.”
The entire method can be described in 3 words and 2 blanks that you fill in.
To be ___ act ___.
All you need to do is fill in the blanks.
- To be happy act happy.
- To be sad act sad.
- To be healthy act healthy.
“Fake it till you make it” principle.
This can be done with virtually anything you want from health, wealth, better relationships and even a better attitude.
The next question I usually get when teaching this method is, “How long do I have to act this way before the desired attribute happens?”
The answer to that is that it will take as long as it takes. Everyone’s mindset is different. It may take longer for one person than another. But the point is if someone continues to act happy, they’ll eventually be happy.
How are you acting in accordance to your desire?
If you want more happiness in your life… are you acting down and depressed or are you trying to act happy to get the process going?
If someone wants to be a non-smoker are they continuing to act like a smoker? Are they frequenting all the places that they used to when they smoked? Are they hanging out with their smoking friends in the smoking lounge?
In order to be a non-smoker you must act like a non-smoker, meaning to begin doing the things that non-smokers do.
Keep in mind that acting the way that you want to be helps to begin the belief process.
If you don’t believe something can happen then it won’t.
All healing or change is based on belief. So by acting as if you’ve already accomplished your task or faking it to you make – it you’re giving your belief system a very strong kick start.
If you found this video helpful please share it with your friends – they may have an issue or know someone else that can use this and they’ll be sure to thank you for it
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Thanks for watching and have a great day….
“If you have questions about hypnosis that we can answer in a video for you please let us know…”
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