Attracting A Romantic Partner
By Lisa Clonan, CHP
To attract love into my life I realize that I am worthy of love… I am entitled to all the beauty life has to offer… Everywhere I look I see love, in every tree, flower, river and all of nature… I am loved simply because I am me and I welcome this love into my heart with joy…
I deeply love and appreciate myself… I am a unique being with unique talents and I am confident in exactly who I am…
My interactions with others represent just how deeply I love myself… I am complemented often… People regard me as valuable because I value myself…
My mind is filled with positive thoughts… I am a beautiful, confident, intelligent, and capable person… Because I love myself I am able to easily attract love in my life…
The qualities I desire in another person are obvious to me… I see them written before me on a giant blackboard. (Pause to give time for client to create list)… I know others will find value in my qualities and I attract people to me who possess the qualities I see written before me…
When I am out in public I easily notice people who possess what I seek… They are everywhere; where I shop, when I am running errands; wherever I am I am surrounded by people who are ready for a loving relationship… I know it is easy to find love and I see the potential everywhere…
The energy that surrounds me attracts love to me like a magnet.. I am open to love… I walk and talk with confidence and (men/women) find it easy to approach me… Conversation is easy and natural for me and I find people eager to listen to me and I to them… I am guided to places and situations where I can easily connect to those looking for a loving relationship and like a magnet I pull those with the qualities I desire to me…
I welcome love into my life each day… I love myself and in doing so welcome others to love and be loved by me…