Forensic Hypnosis is a powerful investigative tool used as a hyper-focusing tool to enhance the recall or memory of victims and witnesses:
- To help criminal investigators gather vital clues, facts or missing information that may have been overlooked using traditional methods.
- To relax witnesses when stressed giving testimony or during court procedures.
- To help clients find or recover lost time, events and even objects.
Who Hires Forensic Hypnotists?
⇒ Private consultants for law firms
⇒ Law enforcement agencies on a contractual basis for:
- various cases and witnesses
- and even to help with cold cases
⇒ Everyday clients wanting to:
- Remember where they lost valuable items
- Recover detailed memories from their past
- Piece together lost time due to traumatic events
* Forensic hypnosis is not admissible in courts in many states however it can help to provide leads to Law Enforcement that can help develop probable cause or steer them in a new direction.
Who Can Take This Course
There are no prerequisites to take this course however it’s important to understand these points:
- This is a specialized course meaning it is focused on Forensic Hypnosis but NOT to teach you how to do basic hypnosis. If you do not understand how to conduct hypnosis sessions you’ll want to take a hypnosis course before attempting these techniques.
- Although as a basic practitioner you can easily conduct hypnosis for lost items, missing time or memories; be advised that if you decide to work with law enforcement agencies they may have additional requirements.
Note to Practitioner
Whether you decide to pursue Forensic Hypnosis with Investigative Agencies or simply use it with clients in your office you’ll find the information you’ll gain in this course will enhance your knowledge and effectiveness in all other areas of hypnosis.
It’s Also Effective:
- To retrieve information if a witness or victim has buried their experiences in their subconscious due to trauma or fear.
- To recover specific details of events such as sights, sounds or smells that may often be overlooked or forgotten as a result of being overwhelmed during the initial interviewing process:
- Such minor details as remember a license plate number, a suspect’s tattoo, or another identifying characteristic can be the key to solving a crime and even in finding lost valuable objects.
(Watch the amazing twist of events in solving this Forensic Hypnosis mystery!)
History of Forensic Hypnosis: Famous Cases
Over the past 40 years Forensic Hypnosis has gained recognition and popularity as it has been used in famous cases around the world.
In fact it’s use in criminal justice and law enforcement can even be dated back to 1845. First used to solve a burglary case, it has since been used in a number of high-profile cases, including the criminal prosecutions of:
- Ted Bundy
- The Chowchilla Case
- Rock vs. Arkansas and in
- The Scott Peterson case
More notably it had also used for:
- Dr. Sam Sheppard
- The Boston Strangler and
- The New York City’s Mad Bomber case
You’ll Receive:
- A beautiful Certificate of Completion to proudly hang in your office.
- Five online training videos covering everything from A-Z (See list below).
- Book – Getting Out of Your Mind – (Vital for recovering lost traumatic events) download- pdf version
- Our specialty designed Hypnosis Depth Level Script designed to help you to attain the various brain state levels.
- A Bonus Case Study video from our Age Regression Course.
(Take a look at another case study here – See if you can catch who did it???)
Course Topics
LESSON #1 What is it? Forensic applications Ethical and professional consideration US Department of Justice – Art 287 Famous forensic hypnosis court cases The Four Dangers Hypnosis myths & Misconceptions . LESSON #2 Principles of suggestion Hypnosis depth phenomena Forensic application of brainwave states Informational listening techniques Forensic hypnosis with children Forensic hypnosis with elderly persons Forensic hypnosis interview preparation Information eliciting techniques Remote controlling the regression Finding lost objects Regression and alcohol . LESSON #3 Confabulation Leading and Probing Loss of critical judgement Memory Cementing |
Amnesia Time distortions Memory retrieval techniques False memory syndrome Recall details about repressed events . LESSON #4 Dangers and warning signs Safeguards and preventative measures Creating a safe place Panic release valves Entering the traumatic zone Dealing with traumatic memories Circumventing traumatic memories Age regression techniques Automatic writing . LESSON #5 Relaxing the witness Relaxing witnesses to remember Courtroom testimony Equipment needed Video-court room testimony Recording and witnessing Legal aspects of hypnosis Disclaimers and required forms Marketing |
Bonus #1
Just to help you understand everything you can about taking clients to the various depth levels we’re going to give you an online download of our amazing book:
“How to Get Out of Your Mind
Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality”
This book is the cover-all resource to everything about hypnosis depth-levels and brainwave frequencies.
We’re not trying to turn you into Einstein but you’ll be pretty close after reading this!
Best of All:
You’ll receive the beautiful ASH Certificate of Completion for:

.So what are you waiting for?
Get Started Now!

* * Upon payment of this course you’ll be forwarded to our Delivery Page where it will be waiting for you. If you are not directed to it withing an hour please contact us at: and we’ll send it manually.
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Disclaimer: The authors of this materials are not doctors nor mental heath practitioners. We are hypnosis practitioners. It is important to realize that stress can be a severe problem and before attempting any new program you should consult with your physician. We will not be held liable in any way, shape or form for anything that may occur from the use of our courses or training. They are simply the opinions of our author(s) according to their past experiences and research. Due to the nature of the copyrighted course information sent which are all sent electronically through online services, once they are received they are considered as opened/used therefore all sales are considered final and non-refundable.