How the Media Conditions You Using Fake News, Partial Truths and Outright Lies.
We hear about Fake news, very fake news and the usual slanted news but the truth is that there’s no un-partial 100% accurate or totally TRUE news.
- It’s a 3 edge sword
- perception
- we all see life through our own colored lenses
Reporters report according to their political / personal views and past programming.
To get an accurate understanding of an issue you’d need to listen to both extreme sides and a few in the middle to even come close to being able to make an informed decision or understanding.
They condition us through many methods such as:
Repetition of Slanted Opinions
- If it’s said enough –even if untrue it can become truth.
Such as when news outlets “all” seem to say the same message.
There’s a Top Dog or controlling force that tells the media what to say and not say. Many are owned or controlled by the same entities. We’re seeing this especially TODAY
Many people still believe what they’re told. They believe the media without even checking the facts or researching. That can be very dangerous.
After all if 3 news stations all said it then it must be true right? SO WRONG!
Outright Damaging Lies
Once something’s said – it cannot be unsaid! The damage is done.
If you call someone a pervert, racist or pedophile for example:
- Even if it’s NOT true and you retracted your comment; people will still look at the person that way!
- It cannot be unsaid…
- This is constantly being done by news agencies and politicians to damage others or deflect personal guilt or wrongdoings…
- It’s a normal practice in the court room by lawyers to accuse a defendant on trial of hideous or untrue accusations. Even if they withdraw what they said, the jury will still look at the defendant this way giving the opposition more power.
Covert Hypnosis has a technique called being “Artfully Vague”
You hear many newscasters and politicians using this technique. It doesn’t require any fact checking; and people believe in the group mindset.
Everyone’s doing this…
Someone told me that…
They say that…
So be aware you’re being programmed Daily by the media through:
- Repetition of Slanted opinions according to the news agency or individuals personal agenda
- Outright, blatant lies that can be retracted and still do damage!
- And by being Artfully Vague with Covert Hypnosis Techniques.
Research for yourself and then make an informed decision…
Thank you for watching and if you’d like to learn hypnosis… They say that… we have the best courses available on the market. You see how that Covert technique worded?
Thanks for watching, and have a great day…
I’d love to hear your opinion…
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