Certification Course
Non-Traditional, Conversational Methods
to Deliver Powerful Hypnotic Suggestions

Milton H. Erickson
Milton Erickson is noted for his non-traditional approach to delivering suggestion to the subconscious. What seemed like a normal conversation would successfully induce a hypnotic state and therapeutic change in the subject.
The Father of Modern Day Hypnosis
He’s also noted for greatly influencing Traditional Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP. Richard Bandler and John Grindler, who are the founders of NLP studied Erickson for years in their extensive research. They named the Milton Model in his honor.
Indirect Suggestion vs. Direct Hypnosis
Erickson found that indirect suggestion could result in more therapeutic behavioral change compared to the direct suggestion methods of traditional hypnosis. He believed the subconscious mind was always listening and whether or not the patient was in hypnosis, suggestions could be made which would have a hypnotic influence, as long as those suggestions found resonance at the subconscious level.
Always Open To Suggestion
Erickson believed hypnosis to be a common, everyday occurrence. For example; when waiting in line in in stores, reading, listening to lectures or even participating in strenuous physical exercise the subject could become immersed in the activity and go into a hypnotic state, removed from any other stimuli.
We see this in everyday live when someone is fixated with the unusual, a question or something amazing that holds their attention they seem to experience a trance like state gazing off into the right or left depending on their dominant brain hemisphere and they display that distant, “blank” look in their face.
For a moment they seem oblivious to their surroundings until they complete their internal programming on a subconscious level to file or make sense of the new idea or situation and finally return to their present reality.
It’s as if people are constantly floating between the hypnotic world and the conscious world multiple times a day unknowingly.
Erickson’s Methods
He preferred to speak with clients using metaphors, contradictions and stories to influence their behavior rather than utilizing direct or authoritative suggestions.
He also developed verbal and non-verbal techniques that increased suggestibility through creating confusion and vagueness in the subject.
Being “artfully vague” forces the subject to fill in the gaps with their own subconscious understandings even if they don’t consciously grasp what’s immediately happening, which bypasses any resistance they may have to the suggestions…
You’ll Learn Many of Milton Erickson’s Techniques Such As:
Direct hypnosis Indirect techniques Building rapport Pacing and leading Utilization Confusion states of mind Confusion technique Handshake induction Controversy Shocks and ordeals Milton model Overloading conscious attention Indirect communication Covert hypnosis Mind reading Metaphor & stories Traditional vs. Solution based therapy |
Permission to & not to
Accept, normalize, reassure & validate Splitting Linking Hand levitation The million dollar question Identify undesirable patterns Linking and splitting for changes Agreement through chunking Encouraging a relapse Encouraging a response by frustrating it Resistance Encouraging resistance Future pacing as induction Overloading conscious attention Prescribing the symptom Time distortion Emphasizing the positive |
You’ll Get
- Over two hours of Live Online Training by Rene Bastarache, CI
- Exercises, anecdotes, case studies and examples.
- A 50 question open book test upon completion of your studies.
- A beautiful Certificate of Completion to proudly hang on your wall.
- and the prestige of being an Ericksonian Hypnosis Specialist.
Plus There’s More!
Covert Hypnosis Manual – A $50 value – not sold separately elsewhere.
Includes 50 Ericksonian and NLP Language Patterns
They’re used in many of Milton Erickson’s methods for precise and artfully vague speech. You may even find one or two being used on this page… You can effectively use them in your daily conversations, on the phone and with your clients.
This is the actual transcripts and training techniques included in our “Covert Hypnosis Course” but since it’s one of the many methods created by Erickson we’ve decided to include it here for your additional benefit.
Ericksonian Hypnosis Stories Manual – A $47 value
This manual contains over 50 stories with built-in positive morals to deliver to people.
Ericksonian Metaphors are about giving people suggestions indirectly through stories. These are great to use in conversation with resistant clients, family members, to begin public speaking talks or sermons and especially to help children.
If you’ve been watching our channel for a while you’ve probably seen me use several of these on occasion in my online videos and courses.
Certificate of Completion
You’ll also receive this beautiful “Certificate of Completion” to proudly hang on your wall as an Ericksonian Hypnosis Specialist.
The Milton Ericksonian Methods will allow you to do hypnotherapy without the need for hypnotherapy scripts or structured hypnotic inductions… Can you see the additional success you could experience by being able to combine them with your present hypnotic skills?
So, What Are You Waiting For?
Only $199.00
- Upon Purchase you’ll be forwarded to our Course Delivery Page where everything will be waiting for you to begin.
Disclaimer: As with any hypnotherapy or mental developmental tool it’s important to use sound judgement and only use it for positive intentions. Never use these techniques against the will of your subject or for purposes that they may not be in agreement with. Neither Rene Bastarache nor the American School of Hypnosis will be held liable for any mishap or incident occurring form the use of this information. It is strongly advised that before treating anyone, to check with the their medical or mental health practitioner for approval. Refunds: Due to the nature of this course being a digital product there are no refunds as once you receive it, it is considered opened and unable to be returned unused. Thank you for your purchase. If you have any questions you may contact us at: