Dating Confidence Course
A Confidence Building Program for of All Ages!
Confidence is Very Important in Dating!
In fact, confidence in the determining factor in success in relationships, business or virtually every factor of life. So having confidence is not what’s in question here. The issue is how to develop it or even build it from scratch!
Don’t feel alone or belittled in any way if you have a lack of confidence because I’m going to share a secret with you…
“The ones who find it hardest to feel confident around other people especially in dating scenarios are really intelligent people.”
Does that surprise you?
Intelligent people get stuck in their heads not knowing what to say or we say things that our prospective date doesn’t find interesting and they end up turning us down and destroying our confidence in the dating process even more.
- Feeling inadequate, nervous and insecure?
- Feeling self-conscious speaking to others for the first time?
- Feeling like you’re not adequate?
- Feeling lonely, anxious, nervous or depressed?
- Feeling resentful towards other women or men because they seem to have what you want?
- Feeling resentful towards attractive people who keep rejecting you?
Isn’t it time to have the confidence you deserve so you can finally attract the mate of your dreams. It “IS” possible and you “DO” deserve it!
We’re Here To Show You How!
“Without Having To Use Any Sleazy Pick-up Lines…”
“Without Having To Wear Crazy Looking Clothing…”
“Or Having To Create A Bad-Boy Attitude…”
Our Dating Confidence Course will give you all the tools you need to take you from being single to a happy relationship. You’ll learn how to build up your confidence, embrace yourself and eliminate negativity so you’re ready to take the dating world by storm.
Three points to remember about confidence:
- Confidence is the key to dating success.
- Confidence is what makes you sexy.
- Confidence will get you more dates than being attractive will.
How Will This Course Give You Confidence?
By teaching you to think and act differently! We call it a “Mental Makeover”…
“If you continue doing the same things you’ve been doing for the past few years
with the SAME results, isn’t it time you tried something different?.
My Parents or Past Relationships made me this way!
There’s more truth in that that you can imagine. You may have been conditioned in your past that you’re not worthy of anything great. You don’t deserve to be happy or that you’re not attractive and you should settle for whatever relationship you’re lucky enough to find.
It’s called the Pygmalion Effect and we’ll show you how to change it so you’re no longer affected by the conditioning of those in authority positions above you.
Law of Attraction
Are all the men or woman that approach you either married, emotionally unavailable or otherwise undesirable? There’s a simple reason for this. You need to know that this cycle will remain the same until you understand why and know how to change it. We’ll show you how…
NLP Modeling
There are also certain influences in your life that you run into every day that need to be changed in order to be successful in building your confidence. Until these physical changes are made you’ll remain in this spiraling downward trend.
Natural Traits of the Subconscious Mind
There are many traits of the subconscious that can help people, but two in specific will make a huge difference in every area of your life immediately. You’ll look at things totally different once you learn these simple secrets.
First Contact
First contact usually refers to meeting Aliens for the first time. Dating success has been Alien to you so this will be a true awakening. We’ll show you ways to carry yourself, direct your body and eyes and even touch people in ways that will give you AMAZING results.
Mental Paradigm Shift
We believe all changes comes from the INSIDE-OUT. You’ll learn how to change the way you think and feel about meeting the opposite sex. You’ll find confidence growing more and more each time you do these exercises.
Mental Conditioning
Between the two Self-Hypnosis Conditioning Techniques, personal affirmations and our online Guided Imagery Session you’ll have everything you need to get your Newfound Confidence up-and-running quickly and it will continue to help you until you’ve created a permanent habit of confidence in dating to replace the unproductive old conditioning.
What Will You Get?
⇒ Six Online Training Videos with written transcripts written below each
⇒ Creating & Ordering the Perfect Mate – Exercise and forms
⇒ Polar Opposites Creation Form to define exactly what you really want.
⇒ Affirmation Kit & Instruction on several ways to use them
⇒ Self-Hypnosis Conditioning Training (two methods)
⇒ Guided Imagery Recorded MP3 Session, by Rene
⇒ Several Downloadable worksheets and exercises to get you on your way to happiness…
BONUS #1: You’ll also get a Complete Hypnosis Session MP3 – by Raluca Bastarache, CI on Dating Confidence
BONUS #2: Both of our sessions in this course available to you in PDF script format. They’re ideal for Hypnosis Practitioners to use with their clients or those who’d like to use them with their friends or loved ones.
So, what are you waiting for?
for Only: $99.00
FLASH SALE: Order now and get the The Dating Mindset Yellow Book Hypnosis Script Manual and Attract a Soulmate MP3 Audio Hypnosis Session FREE. Both will be “waiting for you” in your Delivery Page upon purchase! 🙂
Sale ends at midnight today!
Delivery: Upon purchase you’ll be sent to our Delivery Page so you can begin your Confidence in Dating Training.