Free Hypnosis Script – Organized Environment

Create an Organized Environment
By Mona Morgan, CHP

Begin by taking a nice deep breath and letting it out slowly… Take another nice deep breath and feel your mind and body relaxing completely… As you take another nice deep breath, feel the relaxation moving slowly down over your scalp… across your forehead…


You’re in Hypnosis Now – 13 Ways We Experience Hypnosis Daily…

freud_hypnosisThe purpose of this article is not to eliminate what is happening to you but rather to create awareness so you may be able to take control of it for positive means rather that allowing it to control you.

The most commonly used definition of hypnosis is being opened to suggestion. Throughout your day you are either open to suggestion or resisting suggestion. There is no halfway. Suggestion is defined as the process by which a physical or mental state is influenced by a thought or idea (the power of suggestion). Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.

Here is the listing of only 13 of the ways most people are being hypnotized each day. While reading them see how many resonate with you.


Pharmaceutical Commercials Deadly? Ask Your Doctor.

hypnosis_poisonIf you’ve turned on the television or the radio, no matter where you live you must have heard them.  Those pharmaceutical commercials that tell you, if you’re experiencing a list of certain symptoms that there is something urgently wrong with you. You must call your physician right away so he can prescribe their life-saving medications to you and if you don’t you will be very sick or in many cases die.

Although most everyone will agree that these commercials are annoying, most people are not aware of the actual damage…


To Think or not to Think… That is the Question!

hypnotic sheepI heard this story the other day that I’d like to share with you that got me to thinking about how we follow what others say sometime so blindly that we don’t take the time to think for ourselves.

The story was about a middle-aged couple who were sitting having breakfast together on a cold winters morning in northern Maine. While listening to the radio they heard the announcer say, “We’re going to have about 12 inches of snow today so all residents must park their cars on the even numbered side of the street for the plows to get through.”


You don’t have to be CRAZY to do Hypnosis but it Helps!

charlie_chaplinQ. Do you think feel people are going to think your crazy for starting a hypnosis business?

Q. Have you had people not want to look you straight in the eyes once you told them you were a hypnotist?

People are scared of the unknown and we’re in a relatively unknown field.  Learn a different way to think about your trade.  Here’s some thoughts I hope will help you.


How to get Hypnosis Clients to Return for Follow-up Sessions

hypnosis_return_clientQ. Are you having a hard time getting your clients to come back for another session?

Lets face it, most of us have had a client that was so excited to come back that you were sure they would be there. They told you this was the best thing that ever happened to them since “buttered bread” and then the unmentionable happened… They stood you up!

Here’s some tips how to handle the situation and what you can do to help eliminate it in the future.

How Far and Deep in HYPNOSIS can you go?

hypnosis_deep_holeLearn where your client needs to be with the BBSS Scale!
You’ve heard the saying, “How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?” In hypnosis DEEPER is not always BETTER! In fact in many cases you may have your client too deep for what they need to have done. It’s important to know exactly where you client needs to be mentally for the type of session you’re doing, how to take them there and most importantly how to know when they’ve arrived… Introducing the BBSS Scale. It has everything you’ve wanted to know about brain levels and a few you probably didn’t want to know as well. Enjoy the trip down the hole….


HYPNOSIS Will Make You BURN in Hell! Hypnosis Misconception

hypno-hellHYPNOSIS Will Make You BURN in Hell!

Hypnosis and Religion is always a HOT topic! This video explains one of the many misconceptions we run into an a regular basis with clients and shows you how to overcome it. I’ve had many practitioners tell me they were going to set up office in a “Bible Belt” area and they were worried about being able to do well in hypnosis there especial if they were going to specialize in some sort of metaphysics topic such as Past Life Regression. There’s something in here is sure to help you. Not to worry, no ones going to burn…


Best Types of, and Benefits of, Blogging!

Hypnosis_blogINTRODUCING The Top Seven Types of Blogs

Everyone knows the benefits of Blogging but do you know the most effective types of Blog to create? A little bit of planning now can save a whole bunch of headaches later on.  In this video you’ll learn about the most popular types of blogs that are out there today. See if there’s one or more that suits your situation.

There’s lots of other valuable information included as well but I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag… You’ll have to watch it and see for yourself. (That’s just a “saying” by the way… I really don’t have a cat in a bag! We ate it last night – he he he)


Hypnosis-Induced AMNESIA… Yikes! Short clip of a Theme Park Demonstration


Here’s a clip from a Comedy Hypnosis show I conducted at Funtown USA, a Theme-park in Maine I used to do comedy hypnosis at a while back.

It featuring a skit on AMNESIA

This young lady forgot the number Seven!  She was sure that she had ten fingers to start with but as hypnosis set in she was in for quite a surprise.  Although this is from a comedy show it’s a great demonstration of the usefulness and power of hypnosis.


Free Hypnosis Script – State of Gratitude

Hypnosis Script for Living in a State of Gratitude
By Mona Morgan, CHP

Begin by taking a nice deep breath and letting it out slowly… Take another nice deep breath and feel your mind and body relaxing completely… As you take another nice deep breath, feel the relaxation moving slowly down over your scalp… across your forehead… down over your eyes… and feel your eyes relaxing completely…


Free Hypnosis Script – Turning off Pain

Turning off pain
By Ronald P Johnson Jr., CHP

Imagine you/re standing in front of a circuit breaker box…
This is a special breaker box…
It is the breaker box for your body’s individual systems…


Free Hypnosis Script – Weight Loss Imagine Yourself Thin

Weight Loss – Imagine Yourself thin

 By: Dennis Wilson, CHP

Congratulations on your decision to take charge of your life and appearance.

We’re going to form a picture now of the new you, vibrant, healthy, trim, and CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

Free Hypnosis Script – Weight Loss with Tea

Weight Loss – Drinking Tea Instead of Eating Snacks

By Lin Chien Chien, CHP

Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor. Adjust your body make yourself comfortable. Your limbs are relaxed and let out. Close your eyes, concentrate a spot of your forehead. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

Free Hypnosis Script – Weight Loss 4

Weight Loss IV
By Daniel Smith, CHP

Imagine yourself eating the foods that you normally would eat. You notice that once you eat ½ the portion of food on your plate you become extremely full, almost uncomfortable. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

Free Hypnosis Script – Weight Loss 3

Weight Loss III – Auto Suggestion Script with Imagery and Awakener

By ASH Author

Now…focus on my voice and repeat each of the follow as I say it: I am beautiful…I am successful I love and accept myself totally and completely I am naturally thin and fit


Free Hypnosis Script – Weight Loss 2

Weight Loss II
By Carl Welliver, CHP

Today we begin a positive approach to obtaining a new slimmer, healthier, more attractive body that you desire. This is a change that you desire, and the reason you have come here today.


Free Hypnosis Script – Weight Loss 1

Weight Loss I

By ASH Author

Now take a deep breath … exhale … and relax … just allow everything to let go … you have no place else to be … nothing else to do … but just sit back, relax, and let go completely … CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!