(With family members or in business)
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
Hypnosis Certification Training
How to Understand and Deal with Internet Bullies
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
How do you deal with a bully? Do you confront them face-to-face, do you turn and run, do you give-in or do you simply ignore them? This is a situation that has become epidemic especially with the advent of the Internet. Unfortunately most people have no idea how to deal with it so they become stressed, upset and carry the situation with them all day. In this article I’d like to address a few ways to deal with bullies that you may not have considered before.
Confidence Creation
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
You have come here today because you’d like to increase your confidence and the way you’re going to do that right now is to simply relax and use your imagination… That’s right… Just relax deeper and deeper… And allow your mind to follow my instructions… And in just a few moments you’ll feel more confident than you ever have before…
A few days ago a friend posted the picture in this article on his Facebook page without adding a comment or tagline to it. Obviously it’s a futuristic bicycle but letting my imagination roam free here’s what I responded with to the post as well as the follow-up responses that were added.
My comment: “It’s a letter opener, right?” to which he responded, “I thought it was a can opener.”
This morning when I turned the computer there was another comment from a woman saying,
How to Stay Positive in a Negative World
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
You’re here today because you want to be happy and you want to remain positive on a continual basis… You’ll learn how to accomplish this right now… and the way you’ll do this is by understanding how your mind works…
It’s very easy to remain positive throughout your entire day once you understand what your mind needs… And how to fill those needs at a moment’s notice…
Distraction works for a Hypnotist as well as it does for a Magician. Using the proper vehicle of distraction will result in a modification or elimination of the negative and an emotional redirection toward a positive more calm state of being.
Short pertinent client story about redirection … A client stormed angrily towards me, told me he thought he was either going to have a heart attack or his high blood pressure was
Attracting A Romantic Partner
By Lisa Clonan, CHP
To attract love into my life I realize that I am worthy of love… I am entitled to all the beauty life has to offer… Everywhere I look I see love, in every tree, flower, river and all of nature… I am loved simply because I am me and I welcome this love into my heart with joy…
I deeply love and appreciate myself… I am a unique being with unique talents and I am confident in exactly who I am…
“Did you know there’s a very simple way to eliminate peoples’ stress in just a few minutes or less?” This is a process that can be used in person or on the telephone; it requires no equipment, books or relaxation techniques and can be done virtually anywhere. The only thing it does require is the use of imagination.
Basketball – Confidence
By Roy Adam Westmoreland, CHP
I want you to think about the sport of basketball… Think about all the times you’ve practiced and played… I want you to imagine your next practice or game.
I want you to think about the skills you’ve acquired through hours of practice and hard work… I want you to think about the love and passion you have for the game of basketball…
I was walking along the beach this morning deep in thought when something up ahead caught my attention. Sitting on top of this endless beach of fine, white sand was a small round object. As I approached my curiosity began to grow and it stood out from anything else around it like a shining beacon. Then I picked it up and upon examination I realized it was a little round sponge washed ashore by the waves.
Past Life Regression – Analytical, Beach of Time
By Eva Hegyi, CHP – (complete session)
Close your eyes. I want you to imagine now that you are looking at a blackboard. On the blackboard imagine a circle. Into the circle write letter “A”. Now, erase the letter, and now erase the circle and now open your eyes. Very good.
Now close your eyes again, take a deep, full breath and exhale slowly.
Relax and Re energize
By Ronald P Johnson Jr., CHP
I want you to imagine you are standing on a black sandy beach… Now imagine you start walking down the beach and you are headed towards a lagoon… This lagoon has the same black sand as the beach… The water is the most brilliant blue water in it…
You’re not who you think you are… at least not at this very moment. It’s important to change the way you look at yourself. Your self-image has become distorted through years of conditioning; similar to the image you see when you look into a carnival mirror. You’re not seeing what is actually there. You’re seeing the result of your past experiences and memories. You’re actuality a shadow of your past.
“If your memories or experiences of the past made you who you are now then your present memories and experiences are making you who you will be.”
Here’s a great question that I received recently from one of our subscribers. While there are many attributes that a great practitioner should have I do feel there’s one that is most important if you want to be taken seriously especially as a beginner in this field.
I’ll give you a hint with a quote by Henry Ford;
“Any customer can have a car painted any color he wants so long as it is black!”
Confidence is by far the most important attribute that you should develop if you want to be successful. When I say confidence I also mean decisiveness and control. From the moment the client walks in your office you must be exuding this so they have a feeling that you know what you’re doing and you’re in charge.
The purpose of this script is to help people deal with situations or problems that seem to grow out of hand. Happiness doesn’t come from not having problems it comes from being able to rise above them so you don’t allow them to control you. If you can become bigger than any of the challenges you’re faced with each day you’ll find it much easier to remain focused without distractions on what’s truly important.
This process can be used as a script in a hypnosis session or simply by having someone close their eyes and listening to it. Since it is based on using their imagination, being in hypnosis or the depth of relaxation doesn’t matter. It changes the way you look at things or the perception you have of them. This is also known as NLP re-coding.
Have you ever gotten upset and found yourself saying, “It’s not my fault, she or he made me feel this way”? This is just one of the many excuses that we tell ourselves when the truth is “no one” can make you feel or do anything.
“The way you respond to any event is totally up to you.”
The sooner you can understand and believe the previous statement the sooner you’ll be in control of your own life. Any event that may happen to you is neither positive or negative, happy or sad. All events are Neutral. The response that you have upon experiencing this neutral event is what creates how it affects you.
Stress Management
By Roy Adam Westmoreland, CHP
Everything is fine and everything is working out.
You are calm and remain positive.
Notice how it feels to stay calm…
Open to Receiving
By Aaron Reed, CHP
Your mind is like a computer and we will begin programming your computer now. You reject all thoughts and suggestions detrimental to your health, wealth, and happiness.
Public Speaking – Becoming Open to
By Aaron Reed, CHP
You realize that you are a constantly maturing and growing personality.
You are becoming aware of the strength and abilities that are within you.
You are sensing a feeling of confidence in your abilities to achieve the goals you have chosen for yourself.
Create an Organized Environment
By Mona Morgan, CHP
Begin by taking a nice deep breath and letting it out slowly… Take another nice deep breath and feel your mind and body relaxing completely… As you take another nice deep breath, feel the relaxation moving slowly down over your scalp… across your forehead…