Doctor Reluctance for Cancer Hypnosis

cancer1“How to Deal with Doctor Reluctance for using Hypnosis with Cancer Patients.”

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

This week’s podcast is up and running  Although hypnosis has a much wider notoriety than ever before there’s still the old-time, die-harder MD’s that just won’t let go of their past conditioning. Hypnosis is here to stay and working with cancer patients is just one of the many topics on the list that it can be used for. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!

Forget Something Important? Find out why

memoryHow Memories Work

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Did you forget something important today?

It’s right on the tip of your tongue but you’re just too stressed out to remember? Maybe you remember something from your childhood… but your siblings have a completely different rendition of what happened… why’s that? Are they trying to undermine your sanity? Is it an evil government conspiracy?


How to Take Control of Virtually Any Conversation

Porcupine ClipartHow to Take Control of Virtually Any Conversation

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Have you ever been in a negotiation or sale situation where you began to lose control of the conversation? This can be devastating especially if large amounts of money or even worse, your job were on the line. Luckily there is a very simple solution that you can use at any time, with anyone and in any conversation that can help you to regain control and keep it.


Free Hypnosis Script – Volleyball


By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

This script is intended for people who want to improve their volleyball game. The emphasis is on teamwork, rather than individual accomplishment.


Success Motivation Hypnosis Session Scripts

success2Success Motivation Hypnosis Session Scripts

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

This is a Complete Hypnosis Session of scripts for Success Motivation.  You can use it for yourself or your clients. To use it for yourself simply read it onto a recording device such as a digital recorder then play it back to yourself while you’re relaxing on a chair, couch or recliner. Be sure to record it slowly pausing where you see the three dots … giving yourself a couple seconds to soak it in, use your imagination and relax more.  I hope you enjoy the session and feel free to share it with your friends.


You Can’t Make All Your Clients Happy All the Time

hypnosis certification training classesHere’s a great story I heard to brighten up your day…

– A client walked into a hypnotherapists’ office looking down and upset. The hypnotherapist asked him what was wrong to which the client explained: “I just can’t seem to attract woman. Whenever I approach them they immediately turn away from me or shut me down before I can speak.”


A Powerful Life Lesson

letting go hypnosis certification training schoolI’d like to share this wonderful message with you that Raluca found online and shared with me yesterday about letting go . Even if it’s something that you may not need to hear personally right now keep in mind that you can share it with your clients if you find it helpful.


Free Hypnosis Script – Test Taking

study habits test taking hypnosis training free scriptStudying for Test Taking
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

You are here today to enhance your studying abilities because you want to do very well with test taking … From now on you are changing the way you look at studying… You enjoy studying and find that it is a pleasure to study…

You realize that studying gives you more opportunity in your personal and even future business life as it expands on what you know… You now look at studying as an investment in yourself because you realize that the more you learn the more you invest in your own mind and future…


5 Decision Making Tips

decision making hypnosis training5 Tips on Personal Decision Making

By Rene A. Bastarache

Do you ever have a hard time making a decision when someone asks you to do something? Lots of times you feel like you should do things just so you don’t disappoint anyone. It’s amazing how people find themselves wasting so much of their day doing things they really didn’t want to do and in the end they often times find themselves filled with disappointment themselves.


WHAT’S NEW? The Rest of the Story…

what's new hypnosis training coursesHappy Friday! Or at least it was when I wrote this Blog!

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Earlier in the week we told you about a couple of new things we’ve been working on but there’s so much more happening. We just didn’t want to overwhelm you with all that’s going on at once. If we did then we’d have to hypnotize you to relax and breathe!

So in order to give you a bit more to absorb I’m going to make it simple and refer you to our WHAT’S NEW Page (Oh that’s New too by the way) It features In House Specials, Freebies, Upcoming Events, Programs and Fun Stuff. You can see it at:

Pay special attention to our latest renovation the Comedy Hypnosis Certification especially if you like to have fun and want to get paid a ridiculous amount for it. he he

We have lots more coming right around the bend that we’re keeping quiet for now but like I said piece by piece is the best way to absorb so for now check out the What’s New page and we’ll keep building new things for you to succeed on this end.

Have a great weekend,

Rene & Raluca

P.S. You can check out all of our New Courses and price reductions directly at:

Free Hypnosis Script – Grief & Loss

grief-loss-free-hypnosis-training-scriptDealing with Grief and Loss of a Loved One
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

There are five basic stages of grief that most people experience as a result of loss or death of a (loved one or someone close to you)

The following suggestions will help you to address each one of them in a positive manner…

It’s important to face your feelings… Obviously you have feelings for this person who has passed on … And it’s okay and even healthy to feel those feelings… to examine them… Since you cared for them it is normal to have the associated pain from the loss… Acknowledging your feelings is the first step in feeling better and moving on…


Free Hypnosis Script – Developing Patience Right Now

patience free hypnosis training scriptDeveloping Patience – Right Now!
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Patience is a virtue that can help you in your everyday life and you are here to develop it right now. Not later… not tomorrow… or when you get around to it … but right now… and the way you’re going to develop patience right now is through understanding…


TOP Five Life-Saving Business Tools I used in 2014

toolsBy Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Each year we find a few new things that help us to accelerate growth at the ASH. Here’s a few of them that I’d like to share that may help your business as well. What resources helped you the most in 2014?


Free Hypnosis Script – Creating Abundance

abundance free hypnosis training scriptCreating Abundance
(Self-Hypnosis Script / Auto-suggestion)

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

(This script is designed to be used while hypnotizing yourself by either recording it with an induction, a deepener and then inserting this script so you can play it back to yourself or simply by reading each line to yourself and imagining what it means in your own life. Imagining what is being said is a great and strong form of self-hypnosis. If you wish to use it with a client simply change the word “I” to “You” throughout the script)


Success Wishes

dolllar_sign_hypnosios_training_successHappy Belated New Year from the ASH

We at the American School of Hypnosis would like to wish you all a Happy and Successful Belated New Year. Thank you for a spectacular 2014 and being part of our journey.  We know it wouldn’t be possible without your support.

Yesterday I heard someone say that their 2015 resolution was to complete their 2014 goals that they planned on doing in 2013 and created in 2012. Hopefully they’ll get going before 2016.  Although I got a chuckle out of it the important lesson to lean here is that without action your goals are simply ongoing dreams.

It’s my hope for you that once you’ve created your goals for this year you then get up and DO THEM.

To your Success,

Rene & Raluca

Free Hypnosis Script – Basic Math

free hypnosis script mathBasic Math Exercises
By Min Aung, CHP

People use mathematics in everyday life. Everybody knows mathematics more or less. Everybody has adequate potential to master basic math. When you have solved a mathematics exercise, you feel good, you feel proud, you feel successful, and you feel motivated to do more exercises. The more you know mathematics the more you want to know mathematics.



seven step goal formulaSeven Step Goal Formula

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Have you created your new business goals for 2015? We all have hopes, dreams or wishes of where we’d like to be but unfortunately wishful thinking cannot be cashed at the bank. It’s important to understand if we want to be successful that wishful thinking is not the same as having a goal.


Free Hypnosis Script – Feeling Good

feel good free hypnsois scriptThe Feel Good Hypnosis Script
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
The purpose of this session is to help you to feel good… and it is important to realize that in order to feel good… what you must do is to first imagine yourself feeling good.
I’d like you to use your imagination right now and imagine yourself as if you were standing right in front of you on a movie screen…


The Hypnosis Scam

turtle_hypnosis_training_school_fearThe Hypnosis SCAM

By Rene A. Bastarache, CI

Misunderstanding what’s going on or how something works can create fear and hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood topics around. When people are afraid of something they tend to try to push it away or separate themselves from it by calling it a SCAM or other names that are even worse rather than trying to understand it.


Free Hypnosis Script – Past Life Reporter

reporter_hypnosis_free_training_scriptThe Past Life Reporter
By Douglas Allitt, CHP

In a short while we’ll begin a most wonderful journey into your past … At all times you’ll be completely safe, secure and protected… From this moment forward you’ll view everything you see in the third person … You’ll be an impartial observer whose only job is to report back on what you observe … A past life reporter…