Conquering the Enemy to Success – Comfort Kills!
“If you stay the same you will remain the same” – That’s a result of Same-Disease…
Hypnosis Certification Training
Conquering the Enemy to Success – Comfort Kills!
“If you stay the same you will remain the same” – That’s a result of Same-Disease…
The Subconscious Mind is Similar to a Five Year Old Child
It’s innocent, naive and wants to help you but just doesn’t know how. Knowing how to speak to the mind is the key ingredient to success in all things.
The Subconscious Mind does NOT Understand Humor!
My four daughters and I were in the waiting room of the dentist .
One of them picked up a book of jokes and began reading them out loud…
How the Subconscious Mind Does-Not Understand Negative!
It’s important to start by eliminating No, Not, Don’t, Doesn’t from your vocabulary…
The subconscious mind is always in the ON mode!
It records or stores even while you’re sleeping…
The Unlimited Capabilities of the Subconscious Mind.
Although the conscious mind is very limited and sometimes it seems like you have difficulty walking & chewing bubble gum the subconscious mind is virtually limitless…
The Good, the Bad and the Neutral!
The Sub Conscious Mind is a Place of Storage
“Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.”
“No one can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.
A person develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things. Therefore, the basis of all advancement must be the science of getting rich.
The object of all life is development, and everything that lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining.
If there were only one Secret that I could share with you that would propel you to success in business quicker than any other, then it would be this. Here we go:
“Always, always, always give more in product value than you receive in cash value.”
Whatever your product or service is, how can you truly help you client to prosper from your transaction?
Explanation: You’re putting vibrations out into the universe every moment of the day. Some are positive and some are negative. Even if you’re not consciously trying to guide them positively to receive abundance into you’re still creating them. They’re being created by default and in many cases may unknowingly by negative vibrations. The universe will always give you more of what you dwell or focus on. It’s happening right now! What are you thinking of?
Secret Key #2: Everything You’ve Ever Been Taught Is Propaganda
Every viewpoint you’ve been taught since the day you were born has been taught according to the ulterior motive, understanding or individual perception of the person teaching it and thereby considered propaganda. An example would be someone teaching you about American history in school that’s from America compared to someone teaching you the same course that’s from Russia. Both teachers would have a different slant on American history because of their understanding, possible biases and experiences.
Sharing Advice, Expertise and Resources
We’ve added a new group of benefits to the AIA called the Hypnosis Practitioner Mastermind Community. If you’ve felt like you were spinning your wheels and getting nowhere in your business then this should be an option for you.
A “Mastermind Community” is a group of like-minded Entrepreneurs with the sole purpose of helping each other grow their business through sharing advice, expertise, resources and networking.
Here’s the benefits you’ll receive as part of this community:
“Are you ordinary or are you extraordinary?“
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
At first glance reading that question might not mean much to you but if you take some time to think about it you’ll realize the importance and true meaning of the question.
Most entrepreneurs want to have an extraordinary income, an extraordinary home, and extraordinary vacation, extraordinary relationship and let’s face it an extraordinary life. Who wouldn’t want that? If everything was in alignment that would be wonderful however how can we attract all these extraordinary things into our lives if we ourselves are simply ordinary? Ordinary people don’t attract extraordinary things.
How to Generate Clients Easy: 3 of 5 Podcast
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
This podcast will start with the advertising portion of your business. What sets you apart from the rest of the group? What are your unique selling points or gives your clients a reason to go see you over someone else. We’ll be covering your Elevator Speech and your Five Minute Bio.
Finding your Niche – The Key to Success: 2 of 5 Podcast
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
This is an extension and ongoing training from our previous Podcast. We speak about options to starting an office that you may not have thought of; starting a niche practice and making sure it’s niche-enough. Figuring out how much money you want to make by looking at the end result and backing up. It’s a great way to see how easy it is to meet your goals
The Complete Weight Loss Script Manual
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
If you’ve been wanting to personally lose weight or help your clients become healthier here’s the ultimate manual you’ve been waiting for. It includes fifteen powerful hypnotic suggestion scripts developed to cover every aspect of healthy weight loss. Now’s your chance to become a Hypnosis Weight Loss Specialist helping clients with the number one addiction they face today.
How to Start a Successful Hypnosis Business: 1 of 5 Podcasts
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
The focus of this podcast is how to start an office. There are many conventional options and a few non conventional that may suit your bill. It all boils down to what you want to do and how much you want to spend. You can even start a business with an office and still get plenty of customers.
How to Attract the Perfect Mate
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
Get Your Order Sheet Ready
Trying to find that perfect partner when everything else failed?
If you could have any qualities in the world in a potential partner; what would they be?
Create your list, listen to the Podcast and get ready for some major changes in your life.
Healing Made Simple – Learn how to Change any Disorder
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
In this podcast you’ll learn about one of the most ignored as well as one of the most important aspects to take into account in healing today. It’s a hidden culprit that affects “everyone” the majority of their lives and in almost everything they do. Understanding it will not only allow you to prevent most disorders but will be the difference between success or failure in assisting your clients.
“How to Deal with Doctor Reluctance for using Hypnosis with Cancer Patients.”
By Rene A. Bastarache, CI
This week’s podcast is up and running Although hypnosis has a much wider notoriety than ever before there’s still the old-time, die-harder MD’s that just won’t let go of their past conditioning. Hypnosis is here to stay and working with cancer patients is just one of the many topics on the list that it can be used for. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!