How to Handle ANY Interruptions during Hypnosis Sessions
I’m going to tell you about several types of inside and outside interruptions that happened to Raluca and I while conducting hypnosis sessions. Now you may not have had interruptions to this extreme but it’s a great idea to know how to handle if something similar happened to you.
See What’s New at The American School of Hypnosis, It’s like Christmas all Over …
Come visit our What’s New Page to see what’s going on at the American School of Hypnosis. We’re continually adding and removing items to keep you on your toes and coming back… Freebies, scripts, sessions, courses, relaxation music, fun things and more… Join us at:
Let’s face it everyone wants to be successful eventually but do you know how to be successful immediately? Is there a missing ingredient that makes the difference? Watch this video and I’m sure you’ll be surprised how very simple this missing ingredient is.
How to Stop Clients from Falling off the Wagon with Smoking Cessation
Just created this free video for you titled: “Hypnosis Client Starts Smoking Again!”
It was created as the result of a new practitioner emailing us that they did a successful quit smoking session but the client started smoking again within a week. They asked what to do so this wouldn’t happen again. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE OR COMMENT!
Understanding the Scary and Intimidating Analytical Client
Quite often we get practitioners calling in asking how to deal with analytical clients or why the session didn’t work for them. It’s all in the process. Learn more in this video and don’t be frightened…
Did you know that most of your habits, traits and even beliefs are developed by the time you’re 12 years old? As a parent you’re responsible for most of them… What you teach them as children will become habits for life