Here’s a clip from a Comedy Hypnosis show I conducted at Funtown USA, a Theme-park in Maine I used to do comedy hypnosis at a while back.
It featuring a skit on AMNESIA
This young lady forgot the number Seven! She was sure that she had ten fingers to start with but as hypnosis set in she was in for quite a surprise. Although this is from a comedy show it’s a great demonstration of the usefulness and power of hypnosis.
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In order to attain this level of hypnosis the audience was given a series of suggestibility exercises progressing them through the brainwave states to the Theta level. Theta is where the amnesia level begins and also where long term or traumatic memories are stored. It is also the beginning stages of mental anesthesia.
This is the same level clients are taken to in hypnosis for painless childbirth or to have dental work done without anesthesia. It is known in our fields as the analgesia level, where they feel pressure but no pain.
Let us know your experiences with hypnosis for anesthesia…