Attaining Goals – Breakdown Method
By Rene Bastarache, CI
Going after what you want even if you give it a 100% effort without a plan is a great way to fail. Many people burn out, lose direction, change focus and lose interest if they cannot see the end result in site. This session will ensure that you have a great chance at success with your goals as you’ll know what they are.
After all, if you don’t know where you’re going how can you get there?
I’d like you to take a moment to examine exactly what it is you want in detail… What is your goal? It’s very important to know what you want in advanced so you can have a target to aim for and also be able to know when you’ve attained it.
So take a moment right now think about your specific goal… What do you want? How much? How big? How little? Think of the colors… textures… locations… what needs to happen or come together for it to fall into place… See the completed goal of what you want in as much detail in front of you right now so you can recognize… Take a few moments to do that and once you have, just nod your head for me so we can move on…
Now I’d like you to imagine that you already succeeded in attaining your goal… In fact let’s have some fun with it… I’d like you to imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater all by yourself watching yourself on a movie screen right in front of you as an actor in a movie you’re creating with your own mind… You’re the director and whatever you imagine actually happens on the screen… Don’t worry you’ll be completely safe and comfortable…
Imagine the end result of your goal… Imagine it has already happened in all its detail… Take your time and let me know by nodding your head as soon as you’ve created it… Have fun with at and create it just the way you want it to be…
Now it’s time to break it down step by step… Think about what it took to achieve this goal starting from when you first thought of it? What are the steps you’ll need to take to make it happen? What needs to come together? Are you going to need anyone’s help… any specialized equipment or knowledge?
Imagining your completed goal in front of you now gives you the ability to figure out how to make it happen… Think about the step-by-step process of what you have to do… Take some time doing this and nod your head once you’ve finished…
Realize that since you created your goal in your mind that you CAN accomplish it… What your mind can conceive it can achieve… Everything that has ever been created was first created as a thought… just as you’re doing here. This is your “blueprint” and now you only have to follow the steps in your blueprint to create your goal.
You can do it… You are a creative person… You have the abilities to accomplish your task… and the knowledge you have from your blueprint will help you to get anything together you may need that you might not already have at your disposal.
Allow yourself to commit all the detail of your goal or blueprint to memory. Memorize all the details so when you open your eyes at the end of this session you’ll have them fresh and clear in your mind for retrieval… right at your fingertips.
You have succeeded… You attained your goal in your mind… Now you can go out and create it in reality…