How to Write an
A Complete Home Study Course
“This eBook Course is designed to take you from not having an eBook to having your complete masterpiece right in front of you.”
Here’s What’s Inside And How To Use The Course…
- 12 Training Videos
- Each short video gets right to the point and has a typed introduction above it giving you an idea what’s inside so you can skip to what’s relevant to your book. Watch each video and follow along while working on your own eBook. Once you’ve completed the tasks of the video move onto the next one.
- Two of our Best Selling Books
- In print instruction and outline before each video saving you time to go directly where you need to be.
- Marketing training to get your masterpiece out there as soon as possible.
Congratulations, you’re on your way to becoming an “Author”
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Video #1 – Why Write a Book? – What’s your motivation?
……………A give-away book for capturing emails, a training manual, your life story or just to make money…
Video #2 – Test It: Is your Book Sellable?
……………Wouldn’t it be great to know if your book will sell before you even write it?
Video #3 – Choose A Title
……………Some titles sell and others don’t. Learn how to choose wisely for maximum results.
Video #4 – What Are You Going To Write About?
……………Learn to write what people read. See if your topic falls in-line with their desires.
Video #5 – Twenty Format Options
……………With over 20 ways to write a book one’s sure to suit your fancy. If not have someone else write it.
Video #6 – Who Will Author It? You or Experts?
……………Learn the pros and cons of writing it yourself, using experts or outsourcing it?
Video #7 – Research & Collect
……………The brain-dump process – Finding your Unique Selling Point – You, in 10 seconds or less!
Video #8 – Write It
……………Now it’s time to create. How to write quickly and easily! Includes alternatives to typing…
Video #9 – Working with Experts:
……………Finding, choosing, contacting and interviewing them! The Free way…
Video #10 – Putting it all Together – Nineteen Parts of a Book
……………Learn about cover art, where to get pictures and the nineteen parts of a book you can choose from.
Video #11 – Esditing… Editting … Editing
……………Learn the how’s, when’s and why’s of editing and a fun notice I like to use in my books.
Books & Marketing Ideas that work!
You’ll get our Interview request letter to use for getting experts. Replace our name with yours and send them out.
You’ll also receive an online copy of our best marketing book “Triple Your Clients in 30 Days”. Although designed for getting clients, it has great ways to market products or services off-line to get you up and running right away.
Earlier we mentioned how to test a book to see if it will sell before you write it. With this book “How To Write, Publish & $ell A Book In One Day”, I was able to advertise it and sell 28 copies before it was even finished being written. If you look at the beginning of the book in the Dedication you’ll see the names of the 28 people who bought it. It will not only show you how I did that but it will give you tons of additional information about writing your new creation.
Video #12 – Marketing – Now it’s time to sell it! – Social Media Marketing
……………How to use social media, press releases, forums and more to sell your book or virtually any product.
Are you Ready to
Begin Your Book Today!

Format: Online videos, mp3 audios and pdf online manuals and forms.
- Upon successful payment you will immediately be directed to our Thank You Page where you can begin your course. If you have not been forwarded for any reason, please notify us.
- You’ll be given one entire year to complete your course from your date of purchase.
- If you have questions prior to purchase you may Contact Us Here.
Note: We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income growth. Statements made by our company and its customers in the areas wealth are estimates of what we think can be attained. As with any person or business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, experience and level of desire, personal resources and especially belief. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your person or business. All of the information related to our products are based on the personal experiences, knowledge and “opinions” of Rene and Raluca Bastarache. You may pay off the balance of your course in full at any time by contacting the home office and immediately receive the remainder of your course. Since this is an online product there are no refunds allowed. Once delivered it is considered opened.